1 Dec 2021

How I faced failure and took charge of my life

This is my original blog that was published in dna.com back in 2015. Recently, they took down the old posts from their site. So, posting a copy here for all those who seek this story :) 

A Loser's Wine Party

It was a lovely evening in the month of August 2012. The juniors in college were busy decorating the auditorium to give us a warm farewell party. It was the end of four years of my college life. As I walked towards the decorated auditorium, I felt a deep sense of hollowness. It was a day to reflect, and all I ‘achieved’ was a burden of 32 backlogs. When most guys and girls were busy celebrating their graduation, I was sitting alone, confused and devastated. 

Personal tragedies had haunted me since childhood and to top it all, I went through an epic love failure in the final year of college. I had enough reasons to feel that life is miserable and meaningless.

A few years ago, when I secured a good rank in the state engineering exams, I never thought I would end up like this. To be honest, I was late to realise that engineering was not my cup of tea or that I hardly enjoyed learning those subjects. The problem was, I happened to be a good student throughout my school days. If you're wondering how that can be called a problem, let me elaborate. According to our society, if you are good at studies, you have just two options - become a doctor or an engineer! So, if you're not very good at studies, you're lucky! You could be anything. Because then, you are free from the burden of expectations. Nobody really cares about the word ‘aptitude’ and its importance. So what does a poor aptitude plus a lazy attitude equal? Massive Failure. 

Every spark of enlightenment is preceded by a phase of depression. Even the great Arjuna had to go through depression right before the war of Kurukshetra. So, in my case, there I was, hopeless and depressed, with no friends to share my grief. I was always an optimist by nature. But even that didn’t help as I was so emotionally drained. That’s when I realised that college is the place to make friends and not a life partner! It took me months to recover. I listened to lot of Michael Jackson songs, read a lot of self help articles and started a blog to fill myself with positive thoughts and inspiration. I started writing inspirational posts and shared it on social networking sites. The resulting positive feedback that I received from readers infused a whole lot of confidence in me. I think our life and circumstances are nothing but a reflection of our inner world. Miserable in, miserable out. Happy in, happy out. It was a quite a helpful realisation to have at that stage of my life. 

During this period of emotional recovery, I contemplated whether I could be an achiever in life without a college degree. There were several real life legends who had done so and most had at least two things in common - failure and obsession/passion. I started reading inspiring tales of people who had managed to succeed even after hitting the lowest point in their lives.

In the meantime, things were not so smooth at home and outside. I was bombarded with questions everywhere. Everyone wanted to know whether I'd got placed or why I was still at home after graduation. I had to hide myself indoors all the time to avoid these routine questions. I managed to evade some with the usual set of lies, like saying I was preparing for GATE, bank coaching or on the job hunt etc. But the relentless questions soon became unbearable and I was forced to think about a temporary job just to shut everyone up! So I attended a couple of Interviews, where graduation was not mandatory and even got through jobs. But in the end, my father asked me to complete my degree first. Things were getting tougher now. 

It was then that one my friends came up with a brilliant startup idea. It was a time when startups and young entrepreneurs were getting a lot of attention, especially with the success of the Kochi startup village. Even seniors from my college had dropped out and started their own successful company. Maybe dropping out of college wasn’t a bad idea after all? I decided to go ahead with the startup idea. We worked as a team to plan and submit the project report. After months of discussions and planning, we got it sanctioned by the officials and were all set to realise our dream. But alas! Unexpected personal issues hit my friend, which stalled everything. Finally, the project had to be discarded and that was the end of that dream. 

A few months passed. One fine morning, while I was sipping my morning tea and reading the newspaper, an ad caught my attention. A popular FM radio channel was inviting applications for RJs and program producers. Another opportunity! I didn’t even think or wait for a day and applied. I believed I had the ability to impress them if I was selected for the interview. And I did! I had a dream run for three rounds of interviews. Voice test, written test and personal interview. I was selected for the final round, among thousands of other candidates from the state. I felt quite good about myself then. But to my utter shock, I was rejected in the final round! This is life. You can just play the game, but can never question the umpire. Thus ended 2013, wasted in meaningless pursuits. And I had only managed to pass 10 papers out of the 32 backlogs. I was still 22 papers away from my graduation.  

The back-to-back rejections and failures forced me to introspect. I felt something was seriously wrong with my life. Whatever I did, ended up being fruitless. I was seeking answers and felt I should get in touch with my spiritual self once again. It was then that I started practicing yoga and meditation. It really helped me settle down the sea of thoughts in my mind. Bhagavad Gita once again became my favourite book. A deep sense of peace filled my mind. It was during those days that the books Autobiography of a Yogi andMessages from the Masters found me. Yes, I started believing that it’s not we who choose a book, but the book that chooses you. Simply because you deserve the energy it has to offer. The moment you feel you are a seeker, knowledge starts flowing into you. It fills you with light and reconfigures your mind and body. Now I could forgive the people who had hurt me in the past. I realised that each and every person in my life had a role to play. Once their role is over, they leave us. And that’s perfectly fine. Not everyone is bound to stay with you forever. Those who stay, have a bigger role to play. That’s all. And slowly, I realised why I had gone through various failures. It was simple. Life had tried to teach me the importance of hard work and I had refused to learn. I was chasing instant gratification and that was against the laws of nature. Even water has a threshold to meet before it becomes steam. And once it becomes steam, it can do things which water can’t - like moving trains! Likewise, we all have a threshold to meet, before we taste success, before we become heroes, before we can change the world. That’s a life lesson that I learned the hard way. I decided to take responsibility of my life. I no longer blamed anything or anyone for my failures. I resolved to complete my degree. 

The moment I took responsibility of my life, everything changed. Life gifted me with a beautiful angel. Since our love story is not the matter of interest here, I’ll skip that part. She suggested that I take up CAT coaching alongside regular preparations for my BTech papers as she felt I’m gifted with skills required for management. Now I was focused on improving myself every day. It was not easy to break old habits and form new ones. It was not easy to stay motivated throughout the marathon of 22 exams. It was embarrassing to face my professors and juniors every time I went to college to write my exams. But I knew that I had to struggle through the tunnel of darkness to see the light. This was in many ways comparable to the escape of Andy Dufresne in the movie Shawshank Redemption :D At times, I felt exhausted. At times, I felt like giving up. But the angel kept pushing me and supporting me through tough times.

In November 2014, I gave my CAT exam with average preparation. Mainly because I had my BTech exams lined up throughout the year and had no option but to sacrifice the preparation hours for CAT. When the results were out, I scored close to 80 percentile, which wasn’t good enough to get into the IIMs. But I was content with what I had achieved. I could still apply to a few colleges featured in the top 50 B-schools of the country. By then, I had cleared 20 papers at a stretch and the results of the last two papers were pending. I had to attend the B-school interviews with my results pending. Obviously, this made my profile very weak. During the interviews, I was asked about my poor academics and the years I had ‘lost’, according to them. I maintained total honesty in all my answers. I explained to them how irresponsible I was during my college days and how things changed when I started taking responsibility of my failures. In one interview, one of the panel members asked me, “How can we believe that you are a changed man?" I humbly replied, “Despite all my failures, I’m sitting in front of you right now, attending the interview of a top B-school in the country! Doesn't this prove that sir?” They smiled. Two weeks later, I received an email stating that I was selected for their flagship program in MBA - marketing! Maybe they felt I had marketed my failures well to earn a spot in a B-school ;)

The much awaited results of my last two papers were to be published within a month. The tension was high as everything depended on the results. Failure in even one paper would prove fatal for me. But the sweat finally paid off..I passed! Tears flowed from my eyes. I used to wonder why champions cried after winning. Now I knew. That scene in my life was more like Chris Gardner crying in the end from the movie Pursuit of Happyness. :D The one moment that I will cherish forever. The joy of bouncing back is something special. I don’t regret my failures because they pushed me to find myself. If you have to appreciate success better, then you have to fail, and fail often. I got selected in all the interviews I attended, except one. 

Now, I’m a student of the prestigious B-school, IISWBM Kolkata, which is the first and oldest B-school in India. It is also the first B-school to complete a golden jubilee of existence, for which the government of India released a commemorative postage stamp. When people ask me, “Oh, you didn’t get into IIM?! Very bad”. I reply with a smile and say “Yes, I missed the grape juice, but I was served wine!”

So, am I happy? No, I prefer a better word to express the feeling beyond happiness - I’m content. This is not an incredible tale of success. But this is surely my first step towards a purposeful life. Now, I can contribute to my family, my society and my country in a much better way. When you are trapped in a life situation which makes you feel uncomfortable, you should look for the signs and omens. I truly believe that life sends you messages. A lot has been written about following one’s heart to live a successful life, and all of it makes sense. We are all blessed with the power to decipher the signs and warnings that the universe sends us. It’s always trying to push you back to the right path. I think, you should not let one wrong decision ruin your entire life. We are bound to make mistakes. We should learn from it, rectify them and move on. That’s why experience is not the best teacher, but evaluated experience is! 

3 Oct 2016


Sixty seven years have passed since we lost the greatest Indian ever. I know him since I started my schooling. He was everywhere. Currency notes, walls of classrooms and offices, textbooks, as statues on the road…an omnipresent character with no hair and glamour. As a kid, I assumed he was a poor villager who did not have education or even money to buy clothes. I thought he was the oldest freedom fighter and that’s why he is called the father of the nation. I just knew that everyone respected him and spoke about him with great reverence. Anyway, I loved him for some other reason. He looked like a perfect grandpa with a toothless smile. Yes, my Bapuji.

Later when I came to know that he was a barrister, I was seriously proud. I still remember the first time when I watched the movie “Gandhi”. The one scene which I would never forget, is when Gandhi was thrown out of the train with his luggage. That was the moment!  Which changed the course of history of a man and a nation. It was later described as the ‘moment of truth’ by Mahatma himself. I slowly started to understand the transition of this barrister in suit to an ordinary man wearing khadi. This amazing transition was full of sacrifices. He sacrificed everything that a normal man would hesitate to. And that’s what makes him Mahatma. 

Gandhiji unlike many others, did not focus on transforming others. He worked on himself and demonstrated how world changes when the individual changes. As one of my Professors said “He believed in something, he thought the same thing, he spoke the same thing, and he did the same thing.”  This is a very hard thing to do. Which is exactly why the modern day politicians find it impossible to emulate him! Unfortunately, many Indians are busy debating his greatness. And some of them are even busy installing statues of Godse (Gandhi’s assassin) and worshipping him. But this reiterates the legacy Gandhiji has left behind. He never imposed his ideology on anyone. Never did he fight people who objected his ideals. 

Gandhiji is not a person anymore. By the time he was assassinated, he had transformed himself into an indestructible idea. Last year, a Gandhi statue was unveiled in London’s Parliament Square. It is a beautiful irony that his statue is placed near to that of Winston Churchill. The man who called him “naked fakir” and made this terrible retort during the Bengal famine “If food is scarce, why isn't Gandhi dead yet?”

The mortal Gandhi was a powerful man. The immortal Gandhi is even more powerful. 

22 Mar 2016


I start my day with a glass of pure water. And I end my day with the same. I’m sure most people follow the same ritual every day. But how often do we think about a world without water? Since most of us have uninterrupted supply of this precious liquid now, we take it for granted that, it is forever. Hence, unclosed taps, polluted rivers and cutting down of trees. With summer temperatures already hitting the highest ever in human history, we are here again…observing yet another World Water Day. 

An estimated 650 million, which is 10% of human population do not have access to safe water. In other words, they are all under the risk of infectious diseases and premature death. Water being a natural resource, each and every living being on this earth has equal right over it. It is our duty to make sure that we do not contribute to their suffering by wasting water. It is our duty to keep our rivers and fresh water reserves clean. What annoys me the most is “I pay for it…so I can do whatever I want with it (waste it)” attitude that prevails in our society. But wait. Are you really paying for the water or for the service? Can you ever pay for the water? I don’t think so. It is a priceless resource which is vital for the survival of life. This awareness should be injected into our social thought streams in order to create a shift in the thinking. How many millions do we spend on space probes just to find a sign of life outside earth? And this ‘sign’ of life is water. I wish these millions were spend on cleaning and preserving the water we have on earth.

Everything in nature is connected. We cannot save water if we do not preserve our forests. We cannot save water if we keep polluting the air which in turn will result in global warming. Global warming will result in the drying up of rivers. And if there is no water, there is no life. So, understanding this interconnectedness is the key for future planning here.  We need a holistic approach towards environment preservation. Preservation and conservation of all natural resources should go hand in hand. We have unfortunately distanced ourselves from the truth that we are part of this nature. Thus, we humans have become like a cancer which kills our own mother from the inside. The ultimate realization will happen only when we reconnect with this basic truth of our existence.

Is it too late? Yes it is. We have already done some serious damage to our home planet. But let’s not give up. All we need is awareness. And the actions will inevitably follow. The moment you decide to close a running tap, or stop polluting water, or plant trees, you become the ‘green warrior’. Green warriors are the need of the hour. Being a Superman may be impossible. But being a green warrior is not. Eventually, a real hero is the one who saves the planet! 

I found a brilliant post in the net which discusses World Water Day. Kindly go through this link to see 40 mind blowing snaps which will make you think twice before wasting water. And make a pledge that you will never waste this elixir of life! J


" Water is the driving force of all nature...

                                                                - Leonardo Da Vinci 

10 Oct 2014


Today, when every news channel in the country was playing out their breaking news, “Nobel peace prize for Kailash Satyarthi, Malala ” , I was just wondering who this Kailash Satyarthi was! The name sounded Indian and the following reports confirmed it. But this man was a total stranger to my brain! And I was feeling a bit ashamed of my ignorance. But very soon, I realized that it was not my mistake ;)  He is not a film star, not a politician, not a cricket player and not even a criminal. So, he was never ‘eligible’ to be in the news according to Indian media for 30 years, I guess!

 ‘Bachpan Bachao Andolan’ or Save the Childhood movement was found by this man in 1980. And I was born 9 years after this. Internet sources say that about 80,000 child slaves were saved by this remarkable movement till date. Two of BBA's activists have even been killed in the past during their fight for child rights. One was shot and another beaten to death for raiding and preventing employers from exploiting innocent children. The man himself, Kailash Satyarthi was attacked several times. All these sacrifices for our future generation and I don't even know this man. Ashamed. :(

You think our country is on the right path? I think it’s going down. Simply because our priorities are upside down! There was a time when our national heroes, poets, and social reformers filled our papers…What about now? The information that is fed into our minds by media have very little sense and a heavy dose of sensationalism. When ‘sensation’ wins this battle of sense Vs sensation, it is we, who lose eventually. Our independence was just defined as the freedom from British rule. But since the day of independence, we are fighting new wars within our country. And people like Kailash Satyarthi are leading those fights. In every nook and corner of this country…there are many such heroes, who are striving day and night for liberating thousands of chained souls.

Are we not responsible to support them?  What social media revolution are we boasting about, if we are not even aware of our own Andolans?  Why does the media fail to enlighten us? How come our government failed to recognize a man like Kailash Satyarthi for 3 decades? 

I hope that one day, I will wake up and read reports about all these brave warriors in the front page. I hope that one day we will all join these andolans and fight for the liberation of our country from social evils. We don't need 'cleavage' journalism..we need a clean age journalism. :) 

"Real courage is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. Doing the unpopular thing because it's what you believe, and the heck with everybody "
                                                                                     ― Justin CroninThe Summer Guest

20 Apr 2014


She was upset. She have suffered a lot in her life. "I can't take it anymore,I'm done " Tears flowed,but not enough to kill the fire which was burning her. He was miles away, still the boy could feel her pain. They were connected. The dark clouds are always born out of the sea. But where do they fall? Miles away..

"Let's go for a walk" He spoke to her mind. She was too tired to respond.He waited for sometime,then he lifted her and started walking. "Am i heavy? " she asked. "No,not at all my love" He replied with a smile."Everything is heavy when you wake up..something is heavy in the dream world..but nothing is heavy in this world!" She didn't understand what he said.

"Where are we going? Who showed you this path? It's so beautiful" She seemed lighter with every step that he took. She never saw such a beautiful place before. "Can i walk now? " He happily agreed and she placed her feet down with so much excitement.They were walking on the clouds..

"Are you happy now? " boy looked at the girl. "I'm the happiest! Thank you somuch for taking me here" Her face was bright as the moon. They sat under a tree. "Now tell me,who told you about this beautiful place?! I never knew such a place existed! " The girl wanted to know the secret.

"I don't know who He is..once, He came to my dream and took me here..and gave me this book" The boy took out a book from his pocket. "But,when i opened it,it was full of blank pages.."what do i do with this? " I asked Him. The man smiled and whispered in my ears "This is the book of answers..but no answers are born without questions!" and He disappeared."

The girl opened the book. She read these words inside..

"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be nomore, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying,
nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away."

18 Apr 2014


Ever since he chose the path of love, he was a philosopher..everything spoke to him.. and he spoke to everything.. Earlier, he used to complain "Life lacks background music..some movies are interesting just because of right music " But love transformed him. Now his eyes can see what normal people can't see. His ears could easily tune into the rhythm of life. He was happy.

He flipped the pages of his memory and found these words.. "Be a love bomb..not to break, but to heal the broken hearts! " These words were written by a beautiful soul years ago..in his autograph book..His heart filled with gratitude and he smiled.. "Why are you smiling? " the girl wanted to know. He didn't answer..but he took a piece of paper and started writing something. She read aloud " Thou art my life"

12 Apr 2014


"Do you still love me? " the boy asked..there was a pause..then came the answer "yes,i do" "How much? " She didn't answer that. It was the boy who taught the girl many times, that love can't be measured. Yes,all good teachers were not great students..

The silence of his love haunted him..he kept on asking himself "Why didn't she answer me?" He started walking..just to feel good. It was dusk..the sun fell in to the sea splashing beautiful shades in the sky..the birds were rushing back to their nests.. "I wish I were a bird..wings are a blessing..it teaches you everything about perspective" he thought..Everything in life becomes microscopic when you have wings..So,a bird can never have depression.

He walked until it was dark. Until he could not walk further because of the darkness.He used to walk in the dark..for 7 long years..nobody knew why he was doing that for so long. They thought he was crazy. But one day, he came back with a ball of fire in his hands.It was the gift from the darkness,for trusting it.

He took the ball of fire outside and asked "Show me how much she loves me" The ball of fire started growing..the light filled every inch of darkness.He never saw something like that ever in his life. The brightness grew so much that his eyes started to ache..and then he was blind..everything was dark. He got the answer.

For the first time in his life, he realised "darkness is born twice..when there is no light and where there is only light" So with the silence in love..He ran to his girl and hugged her tight. He whispered.. "I love you" She was silent.