Ever since he chose the path of love, he was a philosopher..everything spoke to him.. and he spoke to everything.. Earlier, he used to complain "Life lacks background music..some movies are interesting just because of right music " But love transformed him. Now his eyes can see what normal people can't see. His ears could easily tune into the rhythm of life. He was happy.
He flipped the pages of his memory and found these words.. "Be a love bomb..not to break, but to heal the broken hearts! " These words were written by a beautiful soul years ago..in his autograph book..His heart filled with gratitude and he smiled.. "Why are you smiling? " the girl wanted to know. He didn't answer..but he took a piece of paper and started writing something. She read aloud " Thou art my life"

He flipped the pages of his memory and found these words.. "Be a love bomb..not to break, but to heal the broken hearts! " These words were written by a beautiful soul years ago..in his autograph book..His heart filled with gratitude and he smiled.. "Why are you smiling? " the girl wanted to know. He didn't answer..but he took a piece of paper and started writing something. She read aloud " Thou art my life"

good job..