1 Jan 2012


Does the title remind you of a man in red underwear? (or is it 'outer' just in his case!) :) But,i'm sure that nothing will come to your mind, if you aren't a great fan of superhero movies! Infact,you are supposed to remember the title 'WHY THE WORLD DOESN'T NEED SUPERMAN' from the movie superman returns..a pulitzer winning editorial written by heroine Lois Lane in the movie..the film didn't make it big in the box office..but,i am happy that i got inspiration to write this prose from Lois Lane..:)

It's newyear :) 2011 is gone and 2012 is making it's way in to our lives..(i'm happy that we all are still alive,i was really haunted by the movie 2012!) 2011 was a great year for somany good reasons..and it was equally bad for somany contrary reasons as well..listing out the issues would make this more a newspaper than a blog..but,i should tell you this..i am really looking forward to a great year ahead..personally,2012 will be the most important year for me as im trying to bounce back in my life..and so am i concerned about this world..

As the crime rate shoots up,pollution is on the high and the natural calamities disturbing the sleeps of millions..i'm seriously reminded about all the superheroes of the screen,who are always there to save the day..but what about the reality? Well,i'm going to point my fingers at you..Can you be the superman/superwoman for this world?!! It has nothing to do with all those flying,crawling and dangerous combats with bad guys! But..ofcourse, i'm talking about some superhuman skills such as:

  • super love to your fellow beings
  • super attitude towards your life
  • super actions to make earth a green paradise
the list is evidently incomplete and you can add any number of skills to the list..! i stressed about love,attitude and action..just because,it forms the foundation of a great character..unless you have a great character,you aren't ready to take up the greatest responsibilty..

What is so special about love? Only love can bring about the peace that can heal this wounded world..no terrorsim can grow where there is love..love alone heals every wounded heart..beware when i say the word love..i'm talking about the divine or unconditional love that you should radiate to every living thing around you..unconditional love is bliss..:)

Attitude towards your life is important beyond words! I can't explain to you,how important your life is..I can't show you how much it is worth..i can just tell you one thing,this world needs you..very badly! Feel that you are important..and understand that a selfish living is nothing superior to an animal way of life.. you should equip yourself with the best of education,morals and attitude & live for the welfare of the world..use your talents for this world..make this a better place to live in..before you say good bye..leave a legacy!

Actions do speak louder than words..and always let your actions to speak for you..there is no bigger advertisement to your visions than living that visions for yourself..:) Don't do too much talkng,just be silent and be immersed in your work..i read an interesting tweet last day "a seed grows in to a tree silently...but a falling tree creates a lot of sound..creation is silent,destruction is noisy.."

2012..let's make this a wonderful year for all those suffering people around the globe..when nature plays havoc,let's accept the truth that, we are responsible for every change in nature..& at the same time,choose to be a superhuman..who can save this world..:)
This is superman...signing off, from planet earth!

"Be a love bomb..not to break,but to heal the broken hearts..."
                                 -Sister Anila of Avila (from my autograph book)


  1. hey superman, ur blog is getting better day by day. Its worth reading. Keep going buddy!! All d best! :)

  2. thank you chubby..:) That's an inspiring comment for my blog..hope,i can deliver the best with God's grace..keep reading:)

  3. Inspirational! Good work! And that tweet u mentioned is simply beautiful! :)

  4. Wow! What a thought! Keep spreading the new found energy and enthusiasm...The world around you needs it very badly...
